COVID-19 compensation
Compensation when affected by COVID-19 (TOGS)
Since Friday, March 27, 2020, it is possible to request a one-off allowance of € 4,000. An important condition is a good SBI code. The TOGS is intended for entrepreneurs who have had to stop their activities as a result of the crisis measures. The government has selected a number of sectors that have been determined to be most affected by the measures.
Main condition
To be eligible for the scheme, the most important condition is that your company was registered as main activity in the Chamber of Commerce Trade Register on 15 March 2020 with a government-determined SBI code. If your company is registered with the Chamber of Commerce with a main activity that does not appear in the list of permitted SBI codes, you are not entitled to TOGS.
Additional terms
In addition to the good SBI code, there are also some additional conditions that must be met in order to be eligible.
A maximum of 250 people may be employed at your company.
The company has a physical branch in the Netherlands that is registered with the Chamber of Commerce.
Non-catering establishments must declare that they have at least one establishment outside the private address of the owner / owners.
Catering companies with SBI codes 56.10.1, 56.10.2 and 56.30 may be located at the private address. They must declare that they are renting, leasing or owning at least one catering establishment.
The company is not bankrupt and has not filed for a moratorium from the court.
In the period from March 16, 2020 to June 15, 2020, a loss of turnover of at least € 000 is expected and it must also be stated that at least € 4,000 in fixed costs is expected in this period, even after deduction of other support measures.
Your company may not have received more than € 200,000 in government assistance in the past 2 tax years. Your company may also not be a public company.
Amount of allowance
The allowance amounts to € 4,000 per company (not per location or owner) and is a one-off gift that does not have to be repaid.
Apply for an allowance
An application for an allowance of € 4,000 must be submitted digitally to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). This can be done with an eHerkenning means level 1 (or higher) or with your own DigiD. The application can be submitted until June 26, 2020. There is also no maximum budget, so that everyone entitled to it will receive the gift. The government calls for the applications to be submitted in installments, if the entrepreneur does not need the gift immediately, then it is requested to wait a while with the application. A decision will be taken within two weeks after the application whether the application will be granted. If the application is granted but it is subsequently established that there was no entitlement to the allowance, it can be reclaimed up to 5 years after payment of the allowance.
Do you have questions?
Do you have any questions or would you like support in applying for the allowance? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to assist you!